
To login, simply just post a comment on THIS page and say:
{Username here} got on{date here} {time}
To register you need to:
1: Make animal that you want..  Be creative it can be anything! (cannot be Pegasus, Unicorn dragon ect, although may have unrealistic colors)
2. Make a house! Be creative, it could even be in the sky! There are no limits to houses except that it is small enough to fit on your page! Look at otheres for ideas!
3.Comment on this page:
I would like my username to be {desired username} and my password {desired password} this is my animal: {picture} This is my house: {Picture} this post will be deleted as soon as possible so no one can hack you! Talk to us on any page if you think hacking is going on! Please visit the help page for help.
~Animal Party Management